
Monday, September 27, 2010

Bag it - 9 ! Lacy Flower Bag

Like I was saying the last time , more and more bags are turning out by my hooks!I'm crocheting loads of other stuff too but the bags get done before anything else! I have been crocheting for as long as I can remember and the dear hubby has accepted the hook as a natural extension to my arm ( that's what he calls it).

This bag has been on my ever growing ' to make ' list for a long time now. With all the various distractions it always got side lined and the prospect of weaving in so many ends was terrifying. Well finally, I mustered the guts and plunged in. Yes there are a whole lot of ends to weave in and that part is no fun.It was so tiresome that I needed a little change - I thought a little matching coin bag would go so well with it.
I've been trying around other crafts too too much inspiration out there not to give a try to the various crafts. The funniest reaction was from the hubbs, when he saw me ot crocheting for 2-3 days , he was shocked and thought I was giving up crochet to pursue other interests....he actually tried to convince me that crochet and I had a strange unbreakable bond. My son wanted to ry out the new stuff with me but soon got bored of it all- except for the paper quilling - he loved that! We have a few paper quilling projects going on too and a little sewing as well....So I guess I'm turning out to be a multi-crafter after all. I've always found this word strangely fascinating....


Mimi said...

Yasmin, I'm loving all your bags esp. this one :)

Yasmin said...

Thank you , Mimi. I'm in Bag mode for quite sometime now:). Good to see you here.

Kavitha said...

Yasmin, All your FOs are looking real good. And you have the most awesome bag collection. :-) Great job, great perseverance.

Can I get some info from you. I understand your bags are from Japanese books. How did you manage to get them? Some info please? Where best to order and what books are good...

And for the Flower Motif bag, what type of yarn did you use?